Cell Broadcast Service (Android)

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Cell Broadcast Service

Cell Broadcast Service (CBS) is a one-to-many geotargeted and geofenced messaging service that utilizes the cellular network infrastructure to deliver public warning messages to mobile phones in specific geographic areas. It is a standard part of GSM and 3G networks and is available on every phone compatible with today’s networks, from the latest smartphones to older feature phones.

CBS Message Parameters

A CBS message can consist of up to 15 pages, each page having up to 1395 characters (alphanumeric and binary data). A message code is assigned for the purpose of categorizing CBS messages based on their content (emergency alerts, weather warnings etc) and update numbers are incremented as new versions of the same message are transmitted.

CBS is a cost effective way for government agencies and mobile network operators to reach large audiences in the case of an emergency, compared to other methods like SMS or existing digital warning channels. CBS can be used to address people present in a single cell sector or even larger polygons covering cities and countries with different languages, so as not to panic the local population. CBS can also be updated as incidents develop during an event, and at the end of the incident an all-clear message can be broadcast.

In addition to emergency and nonemergency notifications, CBS can be used by mobile network operators to send user-defined text messages and custom data – for example business news, weather forecasts and local traffic information. Celltick provides a unique return-on-investment advantage for operators that implement emergency systems through our revenue-generating idle screen solution LiveScreen Media, which easily integrates with CBS to enable advertising and marketing on the phone’s homescreen.

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Alessandro Sangiorgi

Wps Wpa Tester

Wps Wpa Tester

The new WPS WPA Tester has recently been released, with an Android application that can be used to perform all the necessary WPA test on the phone and see if it has been compromised by hackers. WPS stands for Wireless Protected Setup and when an 802.11 Network is being set up the WPA Security Key is transmitted through the Antenna of the router. The WPA security key is a four digit number that is transmitted along with the SSID or wireless network name. When a computer is turned on it also sends an SSID to the computer using WAP as well. Now this software applications allow a user to test the security settings on any WPS Router at any time to ensure the secure configuration. The application provides real time reporting and help in verifying the sensitivity of your Wi-Fi router settings, reports the wireless pass and indicate if the WPA security key is saved or not. In case the SSID is changed, the report also highlights the difference between the old and new SSID. You can also test your connection by sending several SSIDs that would test if the WPA security key is saved on the phone. WPS was designed with the intention of establishing a connection between a WPS router and the wireless phones and laptops of wireless network users. The application is really beneficial for users who want to keep their network secure and a wireless phone connected to a WPS router for some time without the need to manually enter passwords. The application can also be useful for those who use wireless printers and scanners as they can send out an IP address that will enable the scanner to find the printer on its network as well. The WPS software application works even without the internet to ensure a user gets a free wireless connection, whether they are at home or abroad.


Hola VPN Proxy Plus

Hola VPN Proxy Plus

If you are searching for a way to use the Internet with a more private feel, then Hola VPN Proxy Plus is a great solution. The application will allow you to surf the Internet with your private information protected. In fact, this application has many features that you can take advantage of, such as the ability to surf anonymously and surf the Internet without being tracked or profiled by anyone. This software also has a free trial and offers a variety of great features that make it stand out from other similar applications. If you want to use the Internet with a lot more security and privacy, then this is the solution that you have been looking for. In this article, I will give you some of the reasons why you should download the application. Security - The most important reason to download this software is because it provides a very secure and private browsing experience. You will be able to surf the Internet with your private information protected, no one will be able to tell you who you are surfing with or what site you are visiting. The reason why this application is considered to be more secure is because it allows you to surf anonymously by routing your Internet traffic through a server, which will mask your IP address and prevent your information from being monitored or tracked. By using this software, you will be able to surf the Internet and get the quality experience that you have come to expect, with the added security and privacy that you are looking for. In fact, if you want a great application to use for browsing anonymously and browsing the Internet with a lot of security and privacy, then you should definitely download Hola VPN Proxy Plus.

Psiphon Inc.

Psiphon Pro

Psiphon Pro

The first thing that you need to know about the Psyshon Pro is that it is an online article and picture repository. When you download this software, the first thing that will happen is that you will have to create an account. The account can be opened using the website's Web form or by creating a new Facebook account. Once you have created an account, you will have to download the application to your PC or MAC. After the download has been completed, you should open the download folder. In this folder, you will find all the application files including its launcher icon. If you want to get the most from your Psyshon Pro, you should then install the application. After the installation is complete, you will be prompted to update the software. After the update has been completed, you will be able to run any of the applications that you want to use. If you have not yet installed the free application from Google Play, you will be able to start your download immediately after you have finished downloading the application. After the application has been downloaded, you will be prompted to install the application on your phone. However, if you really want to take advantage of the free application, you will need to join the Psyshon Pro community first. The community is where you will find free articles and share links for the application. The best thing about this community is that you can learn about the application at a more personal level than you would get when you just read an article in the application's review forum. There are many other things that you can do with the Psyshon Pro. You can use it to organize and streamline your photos, videos, and music library. You can also get rid of old e-mails and other messages from your inbox with just one click. It is also perfect for sharing important files with other people.